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It's that time again...ART SALE

It is that season again everyone. That season when I empty out my studio of my year long creative endeavours and our Philanthropic Creative Store flings it's doors open and you get to gift to one of two wonderful organization every time you buy art (La Gonave Community and Child Association in Haiti & Hugabull Advocacy and Rescue Society).

Ragin Bertha # 2 - 24 x 36 Encaustic Painting

This year I’m doing things a little bit differently to make it much easier on myself. The event will start with 4 days coinciding with the East Side Culture Crawl a local art festival with over 500 participating artists. Come say hello, browse the art and check out my studio space

Where: Octopus Studios (393 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC)

When: Thursday, November 14th 2019 (5 pm to 10 pm)

Friday, November 15th 2019 (5 pm to 10 pm)

Saturday, November 16th 2019 (11 am to 6 pm)

Sunday, November 17th 2019 (11 am to 6 pm)

On Friday November 22nd 2019 I will list any art works that are still available online at our Philanthropic Creative Store.

So what am I gonna have available this year? I will be sharing pieces from the following four series.

[if !supportLists]· [endif]Crows of Still Creek Series

and, the ever popular Punny Anatomy Greeting Cards.

This is my sixth year doing this and I’m so proud to say yet again all proceeds will benefit the two charitable organizations mentioned above. This is my absolute favorite time of year…and also my scariest time of year. It takes a considerable amount of energy to pull this off…but the price I pay once a year is worth the absolute joy this event brings me. It is the one time a year I know I will be deliberately outstripping my abilities…so what the heck…make it worth it for me…come by…give me a hug…say hello…bring your dog and your kids…and touch some art.

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© Marta Musa Artist 2010 - 2021



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