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10:10 January 2016

2015 was a rather difficult year for my family. A car accident early in the year, the loss of abilities, the loss of identity, the persistent injuries and illness have all made for a very new and uncomfortable reality. Many challenges presented themselves and have spilled over into 2016. But rather than focus on these, I want to focus on the wonderful things that have come out of the last year.

I learned what true love really was; Gordon is the most generous, caring, supportive, loving and patient man in the world. The babies provided love, daily entertainment and taught me that life is really lived in the moment. I appreciated that unlike the majority of people I had an employer who bent over backwards to help support and care for me when I didn't have much to offer back....something that is not a reality for most people in my shoes. And I also learned to be oh so grateful for the friends and family that shored me up when I needed it.

Which brings me to one of the most wonderful things that came out of 2015. I participated in a Project 365 and joined a facebook group of like minded people so that I could keep motivated and on track. But the universe had other plans. Instead of just being a place to talk about photography, it became a home away from home. It became a community of close friends that supported each other through our good times and bad times. I love each and everyone of these individuals.

So here I am now participating in a 10:10 Blog Circle with a few of these amazing talented souls. Every 10th of every month I will post 10 photos. So this month the 10 images I share will be my 10 favorite images from last year's Project 365 (Excluding my Freddy Friday Images of course).....of course I couldn't limit myself to it is 12 this month!

So I will ask you to continue following this blog circle by heading over to check out the lovely Kristey L. Fritz' site to follow her 10:10. Her images are always so luscious and I have major macro envy when it comes to her work!


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