It is that time absolute faaaavvvorite time of year. Christmas time!!!!! I love the spirit of giving and sharing; the crazy traditions of family born into and family chosen; the smell of christmas trees; the pleasure of unearthing ornaments that were put away a year ago.....I could go on but I am sure you all get the gist of it.
So in keeping with my love of the holidays I have decided to participate in a little bit of photography giving and sharing. For the months of November and December all proceeds from any fine art print sales made by me will be going towards supporting a fantastic organization La Gonave Community & Child Association. They are a BC based non-profit organization that is run by a group of dedicated volunteers who provide support to orphaned children and destitute individuals on La Gonave Island in Haiti. To learn more about them please go to their website at
So what do you say? Wanna buy a print? Not only will you be supporting a worthy cause in La Gonave Community & Child Association, you will also be giving yourself or someone you love a Holiday Treat of some wonderful unique art....AND also providing me, a poor misunderstood and unappreciated artist, a massive ego stroke ;)