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Coz I don't do Valentines Day

I don't know about you guys but I have never really been a fan of Valentines day...I never really could get into it. The hubby on the other hand is a HUGE romantic who loves to celebrate love.

He is an amazing, sentimental, romantic idealist. I am always in awe of how comfortable and sure he is expressing his love. In years past he was the one making big Valentines day gestures. This year he is at school 24/7 working hard to finish a project that is due on Valentines day. I'm so proud of how he is thriving and doing so well in his program. Seriously, stupidly, proud of all the amazing work he is doing.

So what does the most unromantic woman do for the most romantic man she knows....she lovingly carves and then hand prints an anatomically correct 3 inch heart for him. Coz that is romantic in my world. Happy early Valentines day Gordon Birchmore.

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